
Enrich your HubSpot data

Boost your sales & marketing by enriching your HubSpot with data from 50+ providers and AI. Improve your segmentation, drive personalisation at scale, and align your business on the best fit leads.

What is it?

Many HubSpot portals are missing key information on the contacts, companies, and deals stored within them. This makes it difficult to segment, communicate, and prioritise the data you have stored.

We enrich all your HubSpot contact, company, and deal records with data from 50+ providers and use AI to build out custom properties. This gives you a clear picture on the data you have stored in your portal and ensures your not wasting time on invalid leads.

How will it benefit us?


Your team will be able to easily prioritise the best fit leads in your CRM.

You'll be able to personalise your communications at scale using custom properties.

You won't have to waste time trying to find valid emails, phone numbers, or linkedin profiles.


This service is a lot cheaper and more efficient than signing up to all these data providers.

You'll get more out of your existing database. This work will unearth hidden opportunities that exist in your current database.

How does it work?

You can choose whether you would like this a one-time service or ongoing

One-time service

Provide us with a .csv of your data and we’ll enrich it and upload back into HubSpot. You'll only be charged on the updated records.


We’ll require API access into your HubSpot portal

We charge on a per record basis - this depends on the data you would like to enrich. Typical costs vary between £1-£3 per record.

How do I sign up?

Simply fill in our form on our website and we'll be in touch to scope out your project.

Our customers

Hear what others are saying

Callum Woodcock

Founder, WineFi

Breeze have been instrumental in helping drive our explosive growth so far. The process throughout was clear and structured, and we saw an immediate ROI from the get-go. I highly recommend them.

Hugo Tilmouth

Founder, Founders Capital

We've been a long-term partner of Breeze. They've helped us scale multiple businesses and have been a trusted advisor to us. Don't hesitate to get in contact with them!

Mark Rowe

Director, Christian Conference Trust

We started working with Breeze to help us make more of our HubSpot. They took the time to fully understand our setup and delivered a clear growth program. Highly recommend them.

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